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Walter Julius Hennecke / GtkRadiant
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseThe open source, cross platform level editor for idtech games
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Walter Julius Hennecke / GtkRadiantUberGames
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseThe open source, cross platform level editor for idtech games
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An Elite Force SP-Mod Source mirror as a common point of reference for adding Entities needed for SP-Map refitting.
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idTech 3 MD3 model viewer, with enhancements by Raven Software
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Walter Julius Hennecke / lilium-voyager
Affero General Public License v1.0An engine replacement for Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force Holomatch (multiplayer) based on ioquake3 and ioEF.
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NOTE: All development is now done in the rpgxEF repo.
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Walter Julius Hennecke / jedioutcast
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterFinal Source Code For Jedi Outcast - Forked from http://sourceforge.net/projects/jedioutcast/
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Walter Julius Hennecke / ioQuake3
Affero General Public License v1.0Public fork of ioQuake3, the community effort to continue supporting/developing id Software's idTech 3 engine technology.
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A compiler that translates CL0 programs into code of a virtual mashine described and used in the following university course: http://www2.htw-dresden.de/~beck/Compiler/
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Walter Julius Hennecke / rpgxEFUberGames
Affero General Public License v1.0A modifaction of ioEF with increased limits for RPG-X2, now including the gamecode
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An Elite Force SP-Mod Source mirror as a common point of reference for adding Entities needed for SP-Map refitting.